Music distribution is a fast and convenient step for those who want to sell and profit from their music. The study is extremely practical not only for those who are just starting out but also for those with experience in music distribution.

  1. Free music distribution is a good service

Why do we have to spend a lot of money, time and effort to distribute music when there is a completely free assistant to do it for us? Free music distribution service was born to assist artists in distributing music to stores quickly and without charge. Your responsibility is just to submit your products to the system and choose a store, the rest is taken care of by the music distribution service’s system. In just 3 to 7 days of review and your release is ready on the shelves of online music streaming apps and music players can search and download them.

  1. There is more than one package with many incentives for artists to choose from

Define your goals and balance your profits. Usually, distributors will give you more than one choice of service packages, each with different regulations and utility levels. With Kami Records, one of today’s leading music distribution applications in the world. Artists have up to 3 options for distribution including the Basic plan, the Premium plan and the Ultimate plan. With the Basic package, you will be distributed completely free on Kami Records’ system along with that you will receive 70% royalties, 70% Youtube CID and the “Standard” support package. Next, let’s learn about the Premium plan, with this package you are allowed to receive up to 85% of royalties and 85% of Youtube CID with an advanced support package in return you have to pay $ 19.99 per month for Kami Records. As for the Ultimate plan, you will completely own 100% of your royalties as well as your Youtube CID and a separate support package. Please contact Kami Records for more details about these attractive service packages.



kami records

Support customers in distributing music to platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Deezer, Amazon Music, TikTok, Facebook, …

Release and sell your music, independently