Are you a music enthusiast? Do you probably spend most of your time in the studio or composing music? However, it seems like you lack the necessary funds to publish a CD or start distributing music online. Was that journey so difficult for you? Check out the article below to learn an effective way to help you distribute free music!

Online music distribution

It cannot be denied, however, that traditional forms of music distribution such as disc release and press coverage carry certain values. Due to the fact that online products are becoming more effective, traditional music distribution may not be a good option for beginners. Instead, you can choose to use free music distribution sites to make sure that the music release process is quick, convenient and ensures more benefits for you, especially about copyright issues.

Free music distribution

Now the question is, is online music distribution a good way to save money on music distribution costs? It is possible to get your first steps on the music release journey as low as possible by using some free online distribution sites like Kami Record. Because instead of imposing a certain fee, Kami Record gets a small percentage of your revenue. By doing so, you will be able to pay for necessary costs without spending any money out of your own pocket. The above sharing hopefully gave you a better idea of how to distribute free music. Wish you have the best experience and success with Kami Record music distribution app!